Thursday, December 16, 2010

Accordion Fold Books

So, I know I brag about my Art Majors a lot, but they are such a cool group. They're the youngest group of students I've ever worked with who have shown such self-direction. In a lot of ways, they are truly guiding their own learning and developing as artists.

A week ago, I showed this class the basic concept of an accordion book and how to build the structure.
I didn't anticipate this reaction.

This group is so into making books, they walk in the door and begin immediately. They won't stop at the end of class. It's out of control, but in an amazing way. I have students collaging, drawing, painting, folding origami pieces, staining paper with tea, and so much more. Some of the books have perfume samples built-in so there is a smell element!

For me, an art class is all about the process and I am so proud of the hard work and creativity that has already gone into these books!

An accordion book is a book with one long piece of paper inside. The paper is folded back and forth to make the pages (like an accordion)! No one is finished yet, but they're making great progress. I'll post the finished products sometime in January!

1 comment:

  1. These books look great! Thanks for posting this, mrs. Clonts


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